jueves, 4 de febrero de 2016

Daniela Rosenow

Das Tempelhaus des Großen Bastet-Tempels zu Bubastis
Daniela Rosenow
Dissertation, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III , publiziert am 12.12.2014

Es stinkt! Hygiene im Alten Ägypten
Daniela Rosenow
In: Hannig, R and Vomberg, P and Witthuhn, O, (eds.) Marburger Treffen zur altägyptischen Medizin. Vorträge und Ergebnisse 2002–2007. Gottinger Miszellen: Gottingen. (2008)

Herding cats - Roman to Late Antique glass groups from Bubastis, northern Egypt
Daniela Rosenow and Thilo Rehren
in: Journal of Archaeological Science 49, 2014, 170-184.

Revealing New Landscape Features at Tell Basta
Daniela Rosenow
Egyptian Archaeology , 37 (2010) ,pp. 17-18.

The great temple of Bastet at Bubastis
Daniela Rosenow
Egyptian Archaeology 32 (2008), 11-13.

The Naos of 'Bastet, Lady of the Shrine' from Bubastis
Daniela Rosenow
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 94 (2008), pp. 247-266

The Nekhthorheb Temple
Daniela Rosenow
in N. Spencer, A Naos of Nekhthorheb from Bubastis, Religious Iconography and Temple Building in the 30th Dynasty, British Museum Research Publication 156, London (2006), 43-47.
Entire A Naos of Nekhthorheb from Bubastis

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