Downloads from gizapyramids, &
of Menqabu :

A Coffin from Farshût in the Museum of Fine Arts,
By Edward Brovarski
Ancient Egyptian and Mediterranean Studies in
Memory of William A. Ward (Providence, RI: Brown University, 1998)
A Phantom Debate ?
By Edward Brovarski
Eszter Bechtold et al., eds., FRom Illahun to
Djeme: papers presented in honour of Ulrich Luft (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2011
A Second Style in Egyptian Relief of the Old
By Edward Brovarski
In Egypt and Beyond. Essays Presented to Leonard
H. Lesko upon his Retirement from the Wilbour Chair of Egyptology at Brown
University June 2005. Edited by Stephen E. Thompson and Peter Der Manuelian.
Providence: Department of Egyptology and Ancient Western Asian Studies, 2008, 49-89
A Triad for Pehenptah
By Edward Brovarski
in Warsaw Egyptological Studies I, Essays in
honour of Prof. Dr. Jadwiga Lapinska (Warsaw: 1997), pp. 261–273.
A Unique Funerary Monument of Old Kingdom Date in
the Egyptian Museum
By Edward Brovarski
in Mamdouh Eldamaty and Mai Trad eds., Egyptian
Museum Collections around the World, Studies for the Centennial of the Egyptian
Museum. Cairo:
American University in Cairo Press, 2002) , pp. 183–195
An Inventory List from 'Covington's Tomb' and
Nomenclature for Furniture in the Old Kingdom
By Edward Brovarski
in Studies in Honor of William Kelly Simpson I. Edited by
Peter Der Manuelian. (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1996) , pp. 117-155.
Abydos in the Old Kingdom and First Intermediate
Period,Part II
in: For His Ka: Essays Offered in Memory of Klaus
Baer,edited by David P. Silverman, Studies in Ancient OrientalCivilization, No.
55 (Chicago: The Oriental Institute of theUniversity of Chicago, 1994), pp.
Entire SAOC 55
False doors & history: the Sixth Dynasty
By Edward Brovarski
in MiroslavBárta, ed., The Old Kingdom Art and
Archaeology, Proceedings of the Conference, Prague, May 31-June 4, 2004
(Prague: Czech Institute of Egyptology, 2006), pp. 71-118
Hwt, Hwt-wrt, and Hwt-ankh
By Edward Brovarski
Etudes et Travaux 26 (2013), 144-151 (Fs
Inventory Offering Lists and the Nomenclature for
Boxes and Chests in the Old Kingdom
By Edward Brovarski
In Gold of Praise. Studies on Ancient Egypt in
Honor of Edward F. Wente. Edited by Emily Teeter and John A. Larson. Studies in
Ancient Oriental Civilization No. 58. Chicago: The Oriental Institute of the
University of Chicago (1999), pp. 27–54
Entire SAOC 58
Ipt, 'Indirect Access Approach (to an Edifice)
By Edward Brovarski
In Scribe of Justice: Egyptological Studies in
Honour of Shafik Allam. Supplément aux Annales du Service des Antiquités de l'Egypte, Cahier No.
42. Cairo, 2011
King NTr-kA-Ra Ii-m-Htp sA PtH?
By Edward Brovarski
in Zahi A.Hawass and Janet Richards, eds., The
Archaeology and Art of Ancient Egypt:Essays in Honor of David B. O’Connor 1
(Cairo: Conseil Suprême desAntiquitiésde l’Égypte, 2007), pp. 145-149
Old Kingdom Beaded Collars.
In Ancient Egypt, the Aegean, and the Near East.
Studies in Honour of Martha Rhoads Bell, Volume I, pp. 137–162. Edited by Jacke
Phillips with Lanny Bell, Bruce B. Williams, and James Hoch and Ronald J.
Leprohon. San
Antonio: Van Siclen Books, 1997.
Old Kingdom Models from the Tomb of Impy:
Metallurgical Studies.
Maddin, R., T. Stech, J.D. Muhly and E. Brovarski
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 70 (1984), pp.
Once More ˙Hr, 'Pyramid'?
By Edward Brovarski
Magee et al., eds., Sitting Beside Lepsius:
Studies in Honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute, OLA 185 (Leuven:
Peeters, 2009)
Overseers of Upper Egypt in the Old to Middle
Kingdoms, Part 1
By Edward Brovarski
ZÄS 140 (2013), pp. 91- 111
Overseers of Upper Egypt in the Old to Middle
Kingdoms, Part 2
By Edward Brovarski
ZÄS 141 (1) (2014), 22-33
Preliminary Report of the Sixth Field Season of
the Cairo University-Brown University Expedition at Giza, 2006
Tohfa Handoussa, Edward Brovarski and Stephen R.
ASAE Vol. 83 2009,pp. 175- 180
Recurrent Themes in the Art of the Predynastic
By Edward Brovarski
Studies in honor of Ali Radwan, CASAE 34 (Cairo,
2005), pp.213-227
Studies in Egyptian Lexicography III: CG 20506
and the Word for "Bed Canopy"
By Edward Brovarski
BIFAO 112 (2012)
The Date of Metjetji
By Edward Brovarski
Millions of Jubilees: Studies in Honor of David
P. Silverman, Cahier No. 39 Vol. 1. ,The American University in
Cairo Press; 1 edition (February 1, 2011)
The Doors of Heaven
By Edward Brovarski
Orientalia 46 (1977) , pp. 107–115.

The Hare and Oryx Nomes in the First Intermediate
Period and Early Middle Kingdom
By Edward Brovarski
In Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honor
of Naguib Kanawati
Vol. 1, Supplement
Aux Annales Du Service Des Antiquites De L'egypte, Cahier No 38, Cairo: Conseil
Suprême des Antiquités de l'Égypte, 2010
The Late Old Kingdom at South Saqqara
in CatherineBerger and Laure Pantalacci, eds., Des
Néferkarê aux Montouhotep. Travaux archéologiques en cours sur la fin de la VIe dynastie
et la Première Période Intermédiaire. Actes du colloque CNRS – université Lumière Lyon 2, tenu le
5-7 juillet 2001. Travaux de la Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Vol. 40
Numéro 1, Année 2005, pp. 31-71
The Senedjemib Complex at Giza: An Interim
By Edward Brovarski
L’Egyptologie en 1979. Axes prioritaires de recherches, tome II, pp. 115–121. Colloques
Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique No. 595. Paris:
Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1982.
The Senedjem Complex at Giza: Reports on the
February-March 1999 Field Season of the Giza Mastabas Project
By Edward Brovarski
ASAE 76 (2001): 65-72.
Giza Mastabas Vol. 7: The Senedjemib Complex,
Part 1
Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, 2000.
Entire Publication:
Smaller Downloads:
Two Old Kingdom Writings Boards from Giza
By Edward Brovarski
ASAE 71 (1987) ,
pp. 27-52.
Two Monuments of the First Intermediate Period
from the Theban Nome
in: Studies
in Honor of George R.Hughes, Studies in Ancient Oriental Civilization , No.
39(Chicago, University ofChicago Press 31-42
Entire SAOC No. 39
Dr. Edward Brovarski