viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Gianluca Miniaci

EVO=Egitto e Vicino Oriente

5,000 years old Egyptian iron beads made from hammered meteoritic iron
Thilo Rehren, Gianluca Miniaci et al.
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (2013) 4785-4792

Analytical study of the first royal Egyptian heart-scarab, attributed to a Seventeenth Dynasty king, Sobekemsaf (EA7876)
Gianluca Miniaci, Susan La Niece, Maria Filomena Guerra and Marei Hacke
British Museum Technical Research Bulletin 01/2013; 7:53-60.

Flinders Petrie and the Image World of Akhetaten in 1894
Marie Vandenbeusch, Gianluca Miniaci and Stephen Quirke
Egyptian Archaeology 46, 2015

Il potere nella 17a dinastia: il titolo “figlio del re” e il ripensamento delle strutture amministrative nel Secondo Periodo Intermedio
Gianluca Miniaci
In: Pernigotti, S and Zecchi, M, (eds.) IV Colloquio di Egittologia ed Antichità Copte “Il tempio e il suo personale nell’Egitto antico” – Bologna, 24-25 settembre 2008. (99 - 131). 

Mariette at Dra Abu el-Naga and the tomb of Neferhotep: a mid 13th dynasty rishi coffin (?)
by Gianluca Miniaci and Stephen Quirke
EVO XXXI (2008)

L’origine sociale dei sarcofagi rishi: un’analisi archeological
Gianluca Miniaci
Aegyptus 87 (2007), pp. 105-126

La Missione Archeologica dell ’Università di Pisa a Dra Abu el-Naga (M.I.D.A.N.). Campagne VIII-XI (2008-2011)
Marilina Betrò, Gianluca Miniaci, Paolo Del Vesco
EVO XXXV (2012)

Reconceiving the tomb in the late Middle Kingdom: the burial of the accountant of the Main Enclosure Neferhotep at Dra Abu el-Naga
Gianluca Miniaci, Stephen Quirke
BIFAO 109,  pp. 339-384.

Saccheggi nella necropoli tebana: i sacerdoti alle prese con le ispezioni delle tombe
Gianluca Miniaci
PERNIGOTTI S. & ZECCHI M. (eds.), Sacerdozio e società civile, Atti del terzo Colloquio Bologna – 30-31 maggio 2007, Bologna 2007, pp. 49-67.

Some remarks on the development of rishi coffins
by Gianluca Miniaci
In: Grallert, S and Grajetzki, W, (eds.) Life and Afterlife in the Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period  (2007), 94 - 99

The canopic box of Khonswmes and the transition from the late Middle Kingdom to the Second Intermediate Period
Gianluca Miniaci

The case of the Third Intermediate Period “shabti-maker of the Amun domain” Padiamun and the change in conception of shabti statuettes
Gianluca Miniaci
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 100, 2014

The Collapse of Faience Figurine Production at the End of the Middle Kingdom: Reading the History of an Epoch between Postmodernism and Grand Narrative
Gianluca Miniaci
Journal of Egyptian History 7 (2014), 109-142
The fragments of rishi coffins from the tomb MIDAN.05 at Dra Abu el-Naga
Marilina Betrò and Gianluca Miniaci
EVO XXXII (2009)

The Iconography of the Rishi Coffins and the Legacy of the Late Middle Kingdom
Gianluca Miniaci
JARCE 46 (2010)

The Incomplete Hieroglyphs System at the end of the Middle Kingdom
Gianluca Miniaci
Revue d'Égyptologie 61 (2010), 113-134

The mskA as "child inheritance" (?) in the context of the Old Kingdom Seankhenptah's Letter to the Dead, Cairo JE25975
Gianluca Miniaci

The "Small Temple of Isis" at Thebes in the sources of the nineteenth century
Gianluca Miniaci
EVO XXXIV (2011)

The statue of ‘royal sealer’ and ‘overseer of fields’ Kheperka, Turin Museum Cat. 3064
by W. Grajetzki and G. Miniaci
EVO XXX (2007), pp. 69-75

Through change and tradition: the rise of Thebes during the Second Intermediate Period
Gianluca Miniaci
P. Buzi, D. Picchi, M. Zecchi (eds.), Aegyptiaca et Coptica. Studi in onore di Sergio Pernigotti, BAR International Series 2264, 2011

Tracing a line to modern Egyptology: Ippolito Rosellini, Vladimir Propp, and the cryptohistory of the “Dizionario Geroglifico”
Gianluca Miniaci
M. Betrò, G. Miniaci (eds.), Talking along the Nile Ippolito Rosellini, travellers and scholars of the 19th century in Egypt. Proceedings of the International Conference held on the occasionof the presentation of Progetto Rosellini. Pisa, June 14-16, 2012. Pisa University Press 2013

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