A Bilingual Account from Lte Ptolemaic Tebtunis
Bryan Muhs and Jacco Dieleman
Zeitschrift für Ägyptische Sprache und
Altertumskunde 133 (2006) 56-65
A Fragment of a Diagonal Star Table from the Los
Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA M80.202.500)
(2014) 221-32
Abundance in the Margins - multiplicity of script
in the Demotic Magical Papyri
Jacco Dieleman
Seth Sanders (ed.), Margins of Writing, Origins
of Culture. New Approaches to Writing and Reading in the Ancient Near East
(Oriental Institute Seminars 2; Oriental Institute; Chicago 2006) 67-81.
Claiming the stars. Egyptian Priests facing the
Jacco Dieleman
Susanne Bickel and Antonio Loprieno (eds.), Basel
Egyptology Prize 1. Junior Research in Egyptian History, Archaeology, and
Philology (Aegyptiaca Helvetica 17; Basel 2003) 277-89.
Een begrafenisritueel voor Artemis
Jacco Dieleman
Ta-Mery 5
(2012), 132-141
Egyptian Literature in the Hellenistic and Roman
Jacco Dieleman and Ian S. Moyer
James Clauss and Martine Cuypers (eds.), A
Companion to Hellenistic Literature (Blackwell Companions to Ancient Literature
and Culture; Oxford 2010) 429-47
Ein spätägyptisches magisches Handbuch: eine neue
PDM oder PGM?
Jacco Dieleman
F. Hoffmann and H.J. Thissen (eds.), Res Severa
Verum Gaudium. Festschrift Zauzich, (Studia Demotica 6; Peeters Publishers;
Leuven 2004) 121-28
Fear of Women. Representations of Women in
Demotic Wisdom Texts
Jacco Dieleman
Studien zur Altägyptischen Kultur, Bd. 25 (1998),
pp. 7-46
Magie en seksualiteit in Romeins Egypte
Jacco Dieleman
Phoenix 57 (2011) 36-52
Miniaturization and the Opening of the Mouth in a
Greek Magical Text (PGM XII.270-350)
Ian S. Moyer and Jacco Dieleman
Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 3
(2003) 47-72
Scribal Practices in the Production of Magic
Handbooks in Egyp
Jacco Dieleman
Shaul Shaked, Yuval Harari, Gideon Bohak (eds.),
Continuity and Innovation in the Magical Tradition (Jerusalem Studies in
Religion and Culture 15; Brill Academic Publishers; Leiden 2011) 85-117.

Scribal Routine in Two Demotic Documents for
Breathing (P. Vienna D 12017 and 12019)
Jacco Dieleman
Sandra Luisa Lippert and Martin Andreas Stadler
(eds.), Gehilfe des Thoth. Festschrift für Karl Theodor Zauzich zu seinem 75.
Geburtstag (Harrassowitz Verlag: Wiesbaden 2014) 29-42.
Teaching Egyptian Literature
Jacco Dieleman
Alexandra Verbovsek, Burkhard Backes, Catherine
Jones (eds.), Methodik und Didaktik in der Ägyptologie. Herausforderungen eines
kulturwissenschaftlichen Paradigmenwechsels in den Altertumswissenschaften
(Ägyptologie und Kulturwissenschaft IV; Wilhelm Fink Verlag: Munich 2011)
What’s in a sign? Translating filiation in the
Demotic Magical Papyri
Jacco Dieleman
Arietta Papaconstantinou (ed.), The Multilingual
Experience in Egypt from the Ptolemies to the ‘Abbāsids (Ashgate; Surrey 2010)
Inge Uytterhoeven, Hawara in the Graeco-Roman
Period. Life and Death in a Fayum Village. With an appendix on the pottery from
Hawara by Sylvie Marchand (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 174; Uitgeverij
Peeters: Leuven 2009)
Jacco Dieleman
Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011) 810-14.
Martin Stadler, Isis, das göttliche Kind und die
Weltordnung – Neue religiöse Texte aus dem Fayum nach dem Papyrus Wien D. 12006
recto (Mitteilungen aus der Papyrussammlung Erzherzog Rainer 28; Verlag Brüder
Hollinek, Wien 2004)
Jacco Dieleman
Bibliotheca Orientalis 66 (2009) 225-31
Gerald Moers, Fingierte Welten in der ägyptischen
Literatur des 2. Jahrtausends v. Chr. (Probleme der Ägyptologie - PdÄ 19; Brill
Academic Publishers; Leiden 2001)
Aegyptia 11 (2003) 241-45
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