Man and his Double in Egyptian Ideology of the
Old Kingdom
Agypten Und Altes Testament Band 37, Wiesbaden:
Harrassowitz, 1997.
Studies on Old Kingdom Reliefs and Sculpture in
the Hermitage
Agyptologische Abhandlungen Band 67, Harrassowitz
Verlag, 2005
334 pages with 42 plates
Another Late Old Kingdom Filiation with the
Omitted s3,'Son'?
By Andrey Bolshakov
Göttinger Miszellen 191 (2002),pp. 7-10
anx-wD.s: St. Petersburg–Cambridge.
By Andrey Bolshakov
Göttinger Miszellen 188 (2002), pp. 21-48

Arrangement of Murals as a Principle of Old
Kingdom Tomb Decoration
By Andrey Bolshakov
Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und
Sudanarchäologie Vol. 6 (IBAES 6): Dekorierte Grabanlagen im Alten Reich
Methodik und Interpretation, 2006
Entire IBAES 6

Hinting as a Method of Old Kingdom Tomb
Decoration I. The Offering Stone and the False Door of the Dwarf Snb
By Andrey Bolshakov
Göttinger Miszellen 139 (1994), pp. 9–32.
Ka. Ka-chapel
By Andrey Bolshakov
Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt II, 2001
Mut or not? On the Meaning of a Vulture Sign on
the Hermitage Statue of Amenemhet III
By Andrey Bolshakov
Servant of Mut: Studies in Honor of Richard A.
Fazzini, 2008, pp 23-31
mw.t.f n(j).t D.t.f – "his own mother"
By Andrey Bolshakov
Göttinger Miszellen 141 (1994), 39–42

New Observations On the Functions of the
So-called ‘Reserve Heads’
By Andrey
Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists,
Cambridge, 3-9 September 1995, Abstracts of Papers, pp. 21-23. Edited by
Christopher Eyre. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 1995.
N(j)-s(w)-jr(.w)/Pjpj-snb(.w): St.Petersburg –
By Andrey Bolshakov
Göttinger Miszellen 193 (2003), 19–40
Offering tables
By Andrey Bolshakov
Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt II, 2001
Osiris in the Fourth Dynasty Again. The False
Door of Jntj, MFA 31.781
By Andrey Bolshakov
In Hedvig Györy, ed. Mélanges offerts à Edith
Varga,, le
lotus qui sort de terre. Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts
Supplément-2001, Budapest: Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts, 2001, pp. 65-80.
Persians and Egyptians: Cooperation in Vandalism
By Andrey Bolshakov
In: S. D'Auria (éd.), Offerings to the Discerning Eye . An
Egyptological Medley in Honor of Jack A. Josephson. Culture and History of the
Ancient Near East Vol.38, 2010
Princess Hm.t-ra(w): the First Mention of Osiris?
By Andrey Bolshakov
Chronique d’Egypte 67 (1992), pp. 203–210.
Representation and text: Two languages of Ancient Egyptian Totenglauben
By Andrey Bolshakov
Altorientalische Forschungen 30 (2003)

Royal portraiture and 'Horus Name'
By Andrey Bolshakov
L’art de
l’Ancien Empire égyptien. Actes du colloque, Musée du Louvre, les 3 et 4 avril
1998 (Paris, 1999), 311–332
Some de visu observations on pHermitage 1115
By Andrey Bolshakov
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 79 (1993), pp. 254-259
The Earliest Known Gold Pharaonic Coin
By Andrey Bolshakov
d'égyptologie 43 (1992)
The Offering Stone of Thutmose III in the
By Andrey Bolshakov
Reports of the State Hermitage Museum LXX, 2013

The Scene of the Boatmen Jousting in Old Kingdom
Tomb Representations
By Andrey Bolshakov
de Société d’égyptologie, Genève 17 (1993)
The Moment of the Establishment of the Tomb-Cult
in Ancient Egypt
By Andrey Bolshakov
Altorientalische Forschungen 18 (1991)
Unusual Late Period Cartonnage Mummy Case in the
Hermitage Museum
By Andrey Bolshakov
de Société d’égyptologie, Genève 16. 1992

What Did the Bust of Ankh-Haf Originally Look
By Andrey Bolshakov
Journal of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 3
(1991), pp. 4–14.
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