Butterflies of ancient Egypt
by Vazrick Nazari and Linda Evans
Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 69.4
(2015), 242-267

Bird behavior in ancient Egyptian art
Linda Evans
In: Between Heaven and Earth: Birds in Ancient
Egypt. Edited
by Rozenn Bailleul-LeSuer. OIMP 35. Chicago: The Oriental Institute, 2012,pp. 87-98
Fighting kites: Behaviour as a key to species
identity in wall scenes
Linda Evans
The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 93 (2007
Force-feeding animals in Old Kingdom scenes: A
Joyce Swinton, Linda Evans
Goettinger Miszellen, Vol. 232, (2012), p.137-142

Otter or mongoose? Chewing over the evidence in
wall scenes
Linda Evans
In: A. Woods, A. McFarlane & S. Binder (eds.)
Egyptian Culture and Society: Studies in Honour of Naguib Kanawati, vol. I,ASAE
Supplément, Cahier 38 (2010) , pp. 119-129
Poisonous gecks: The validity of an ancient
Egyptian belief
Linda Evans
Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology,
Volume 13 (2002)
The Anubis animal: A behavioural solution?
Linda Evans
Goettinger Miszellen, Vol. 216, No. -, (2008),
The curious case of the 'mummified pigeon
Linda Evans
Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology,
Vol. 18, (2007), p.59-64
The Egyptian goddess Renenutet: Why did a cobra
symbolise abundance?
Linda Evans
Gottinger Miszellen, Vol. 238, (2013), p.41-50
The praying mantis in ancient Egypt
Linda Evans
Bulletin of the Australian Centre for Egyptology,
Vol. 15 (2004)
The shedshed of Wepwawet: An artistic and
behavioural interpretation
Linda Evans
Journal of Egyptian archaeology, Vol. 97, (2011),
Userkaf's birds unmasked
Linda Evans
Journal of Egyptian archaeology, Vol. 97, (2011),
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