
Echoes of Egypt: Conjuring the Land of the
Colleen Manassa et al.
Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History, 2013
Catalog of an exhibition at the Yale Peabody
Museum of Natural History (April 13, 2013 until January 4, 2014). Expanded on-line catalog entries available at

The Great Karnak Inscription of Merneptah: Grand
Strategy in the 13th Century B.C.
by Colleen Manassa
Yale Egyptological Studies 5. Yale
Egyptological Seminar 2003
The Late Egyptian Underworld: Sarcophagi and
Related Texts from the Nectanebid Period
by Colleen Manassa
Ägypten und Altes Testament Band 72, Harrassowitz
Verlag (2007)
A Depiction of Paris In Luxor Temple and the
eidolon of Helen
By Colleen Manassa
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
136 (2009): 141-149
A Fragmentary Pair Statue of Ptah of Ramesses and
John Coleman Darnell and Colleen Manassa
Yale University Art Gallery Bulletin 2005:
A Trustworthy Seal-Bearer on a Mission: The
Monuments of Sabastet from the Khephren Diorite Quarries
John Coleman Darnell and Colleen Manassa
Studies on the Middle Kingdom. In memory of
Detlef Franke, eds. Richard. Parkinson and Hans.-Werner. Fischer-Elfert, 55-92.
Philippika 41. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2013
Cult of the Dead, Egypt
By Colleen Manassa
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 6 ,2012
Death and Dying, Egypt
By Colleen Manassa
Encyclopedia of the Bible and Its Reception 6 (Walter de Gruyter, Berlin/Boston 2012)
Defining Historical Fiction in New Kingdom Egypt
By Colleen Manassa
In : S.
Melville and A. Slotsky, eds., Opening the Tablet Box, Near Eastern Studies in
Honor of Benjamin R. Foster (Leiden: Brill, 2010), pp. 245-269.
Divine Taxonomy in the Underworld Books
By Colleen Manassa
Archiv fur Religionsgeschichte 14.1 (2013) :
to El-Deir
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2011
From Wool to Basketry: Materials, Contact
Linguistics, and txbs(t) in Ancient Egyptian
By Colleen Manassa
LingAeg 20

Gods on the Road: The Pantheon of Thebes at Qasr
John Coleman Darnell, David Klotz, Colleen
In : Christopher Thiers (ed.), Documents de
Théologies Thébaines Tardives (D3T 2), 2013
Isis, Mistress of the Field: A New Reading of an
Epithet in the Hor Ostraca
By Colleen Manassa
Enchoria 32 (2010/2011): 54-61.
Loaves and Zirs: A Re-examination of a Hieratic
Text from Abydos
By Colleen Manassa
GM 229 (2011) 81-88
Middle Nubian Ceramics from Umm Mawagir, Kharga
By Colleen Manassa
In: Irene Forstner-Müller, Pamela Rose, Nubian
Pottery from Egyptian Cultural Contexts of the Middle and Early New Kingdom.
Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute at
Cairo, 11-12 December 2010, , WIEN 2012,pp. 129-148
Nubians in the Third Upper Egyptian Nome: A View
from Moalla
By Colleen Manassa
In : Irene Forstner-Müller, Pamela Rose, Nubian
Pottery from Egyptian Cultural Contexts of the Middle and Early New Kingdom.
Proceedings of a Workshop held at the Austrian Archaeological Institute at
Cairo, 11-12 December 2010, WIEN 2012,pp. 117-127
Relief of Offering Bearers from the Tomb of
By Colleen Manassa
In Art for Yale: Acquisitions for a New Century
(New Haven, 2007)
Soundscapes in Ancient Egyptian Literature and
By Colleen Manassa
In Erika Meyer-Dietrich, ed., Laut und Leise: Der
Gebrauch von Stimme und Klang in historischen Kulturen (Bielefeld: Transcript
Verlag, 2011), pp. 147-172.
Sounds of the Netherworld
By Colleen Manassa
Mythos & Ritual, Festschrift für Jan Assmann
zum 70. Geburtstag, B. Rothöhler and A. Manisali, eds. (Religionswissenschaft:
Forschung und Wissenschaft Bd. 5; Münster: LIT Verlag 2008), pp. 109-135.
The Chariot that Plunders Foreign Lands: 'The Hymn
to the King in His Chariot
By Colleen Manassa
In : Chasing Chariots: Proceedings of the First
International Chariot Conference (Cairo, 2012), edited by A. J. Veldmeijer and
S. Ikram, 2013
The Crimes of Count Sabni Reconsidered
By Colleen Manassa
Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde
133 (2006): 151-163
The Judgment Hall of Osiris In the Book of Gates
By Colleen Manassa
Revue d’Egyptologie 57 (2006): 109-149
Transition 18th–19th dynasty
By Colleen Manassa
UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, 2015
Two Unpublished Memphite Relief Fragments In the
Yale Art Gallery
By Colleen Manassa
Studien zur altägyptischen Kultur 30 (2002):
Review of Die Zeit der Regionen im Spiegel der
Gebelein-Region: Kulturgeschichtliche Re-Konstruktionen. By Ludwig Morenz.
Probleme der Ägyptologie, vol. 27. Leiden: Brill , 2010
By Colleen Manassa
Journal of the American Oriental Society 135.2 (2015),pp.
Review of New Kingdom Ostraca from the
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. By Fredrik Hagen. Culture and History of the
Ancient Near East, vol. 46. Leiden: Brill, 2011.
By Colleen Manassa
Journal of the American Oriental Society 135.2 (2015),pp. 377- 9
Review of Christian Leitz. drawings by Victoria
Altmann, Der Sarg des Panehemisis in Wien, Mit einer detaillierten
Bilddokumentation der Särge des Panehemisis und Horemhab auf DVD.
By Colleen Manassa
JSSEA 38 (2011-12): 229-237
Review of M.S. Ali, Hieratische Ritzinschriften
aus Theben (Wiesbaden, 2002)
By Colleen Manassa
Journal of the American Oriental Society 124.2
(2004): 363-5
Review of P. Lundh, Actor and Event. Military
Activity in Ancient Egyptian Narrative Texts from Tuthmosis II to Merneptah
(Uppsala, 2002)
By Colleen Manassa
Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 93 (2007):
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